
No Street Fighters.

Niitsuma actually once said that he really, really wanted Venom and Gambit in MvC3. However, the decision wasn't up to him - it was up to Marvel.

Modern Warfare people aren't Bizarre Creations people. Modern Warfare people don't care about Activisions activities. We are the ones that care about their activities. WE are also the ones who love great games with arcade sensibilies, the same sort of thing Bizarre Creations makes.

The word 'Ultimate' is a reference to the 'Ultimate Marvel' universe.

For the love of God people, please don't punish all the good folks at Capcom because the suits make shitty as hell decisions. Do you really want to see a repeat of Bizarre Creations, where a good as hell developer was shut down because everyone looked at their games and said "EEEWWW! Activision! I'm not buying that,

Sentinel? Seriously?

I've already gotten more than $70 of enjoyment out of this game. I regret absolutely nothing - it's been nothing but a blast since it first came out.

Or it would be showing that Capcom's fighting game division still knows what the fans want and is willing to give it to them, unlike every other part of Capcom.

Thanks man - yeah, people like to forget how 'good' we had it back then.

Thanks man, I appreciate it!

Yeah... I'm proud that even back when I was a kid, I only bought Street Fighter II: The World Warriors. Never got any of the 'sequels', because it felt like a waste of money to pay so much for what was essentially the same game.

Well, the idea was that all those re-release updates that you paid $70 (or more) for back in the day were really no better than what we pay $10-15 for now a days. It's sorta my "Take off the rose-tinted glasses" statement.

Alright, well, look at Tails in Tails' Adventure. I'll take that. He has, like, 50 different weapons and abilities in that game. It's honestly more Metroid than it is Sonic, but hey - that's cool in my book.

Tails can become Turbo Tails. Didn't Turbo Tails have a bunch of flickies that would attack enemies around him? Yeah, I'll take that, please.

Sonic can run fast.

Tails is f'ing top-tier. Haters be hatin'.

I certainly preferred her original voice, but she's actually pretty damn good in MvC3. I've been using a team of Dante/Taskmaster/Felicia with a ton of success lately.

Cham Cham has a boomerang and a pet monkey. Winner.

So, women who have cat ears and tails will make you love furries?

I've been in love with catgirls ever since I played Breath of Fire II. Playing Darkstalkers and Samurai Shodown II a few years later only exacerbated the situation.