
All the more reason to ignore Capcom and focus more on companies like Namco, SNK, Taito, Sega, etc. All of these companies strongly support arcades and actually make profits off of this.

OtherOS would still be around if there hadn't been such an interest in twisting it to serve a purpose it wasn't meant to. Is it a shame that Sony took it away? Yeah, of course it is. However, if they had left it there, the PS3 would have effectively become the Dreamcast 2.

Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out if it would work to have an arcade without the bar. I know several people say it's the only way to go, but I dunno. I feel like having a bar would really scare away families, and while I'd rather not deal with a bunch of screaming kids - birthday parties bring in a ton of money.

Well, I am thinking having consoles is going to be necessary. DDR machines tend to cost boat loads of money (around $10k, usually) - Kinect + Dance Central, on the other hand...

Well, the way competitive machines are set up in Japan has two machines back-to-back, with 1P on one side and 2P on the other. You can have challengers come up and never even know who they are - hell, it's considered rude if you even try to find out who you are challenging.

Only problem with inserting cards into machines is that, if you have to insert 'a coin or thing of value' into the machine, you have to pay a biennial $250 per machine license fee in my state. Not a big deal for real earners, but if I have a lot of classics in the place, $250 would eat all the profits and then some.

SSF4AE is already confirmed to be coming to consoles, and it's ENORMOUSLY EXPENSIVE.

I've been noticing a lot of nostalgia for arcades lately - even by people who never went to an arcade. I assume it's XBLA, PSN and Wii Shop Channel re-releases of classics, as well as the abundance of new games that are going for that arcade flavor (Scott Pilgrim, Castle Crashers, Shatter, etc.)

"Any escape might help to smooth the unattractive truth..."

Games are basically mildly interactive movies in this day and age, so I see no reason for them to not have a 'skip chapter' option in much the same way a DVD player does.

What I just used when saying 'less than 1 year' was better than the Super Bowl - it was the Hyper Bowl!

You've hit the nail on yet another reason I'm not buying the 3DS (yet): Region Locking.

A) Price Tag. $250 is a lot of cash for something that is easy to misplace. It's especially a lot of cash for all those who bought DSiXL systems at Christmas just a few short months ago.

Every time I read the MvC3 guide, I learn something new. (or maybe I just re-learn what I've forgotten.)

Our Buffalo Wild Wings only has a couple of arcade machines, unfortunately. Likely has to do with the insane taxes on arcade machines in South Carolina. ($250 per machine every two years.)

Actually, I feel this was very well founded. He may have been a little too ... excited in his rage (I'd never burn the damn book, I'd just try to hawk it at the nearest second-hand book store), but that guide is absolutely pathetic.

Great for toilet reading, and a lot of times, this information ISN'T on the internet for free. Some of the shit in the MvC3 guide still hasn't been committed to the various guide sites.

Obligatory reference to the Golden Tee series - the one arcade-exclusive game that everyone in the US not only knows, but loves.

My fight pad has been on the fritz for a while, so I haven't been playing anything lately anyway. I don't think I've turned my PS3 (or any other game console, for that matter) on is at least a week. Good thing I've decided to take my gaming hiatus now.

Now playing

Swear to God, if Elena isn't in this... I'm going to write angry letters to everybody at Capcom. That'll show 'em!