
I enjoy Starfield. It is fun. It is also very repetitive. There is not a lot of variation to the planets. I haven’t played for a few days now because I started to get a bit bored and am taking a break. And having to remake different characters should not be the “answer” to boredom.

Aquaman is DC, not Marvel.

O’Riordan was onboard with the cover and was supposed to sing on it, but she died. Bad Wolves then gave $250,000 of the proceeds of the song to her children.

I like the song and that was pretty nice of them.

I like a lot of these, but I’m not a pretentious music listener.

Marvel focused on those characters for diversity. There is a better batch of B characters that would have made for some better stories and made better Avengers. But they didn’t fit the focus of diversity that has been the MCU since Endgame. When that is the criteria, you aren’t getting characters the directors or fans

You might hate their message, but the results are backing it up. The MCU has gone downhill drastically since Endgame. They do seem more focused on catering to certain expectations rather than telling good stories. They are also infusing too much humor into their movies and removing any gravitas. Love and Thunder was

That is a twisted view of what happened. I loved the original Willow movie and did not like the series. It was woke, and not because of the female leads. It seemed the characters were just modern teens thrown into the setting. Their dialog, the characters, everything about it was poorly done and lacked the magic of

I’m all for the vaccine. But he goes beyond that, he rants about people going out too much and not wearing masks. He’s chastised his own staff for the things they do.

The Blizzard is a very common item. This is something that 99% of people know. You have to be really out of touch to not know what that is. To me, a guy

I listen to Howard Stern, but the issue with him going off on topics is he is out of touch with the common man. He has strong opinions about Covid and the vaccine. But he never leaves his house. He can do his job from his home. He doesn’t like being around people anyway. His privilege allows him to form these strong

BG3 did not release for XBox yet specifically because of the Series S. Microsoft required the game be able to run the same on both and that delayed the release. Even now, it will be released and split-screen won’t be available for the Series S. Series S does hamper things.

Piloting is a necessity if you want to fly any ship. And I highly recommend stealth.

It’s a matter of motivation. You can’t force people to be ambitious and strive for more. There are many who are lazy and even more that are entitled. My youngest step-daughter, who is 18, refuses to take a job less than $15/hr. She has worked a total of 6 months in her life, at a coffee shop. When asked what she

I think the point he is making is if people have better things to do with their time than scanning groceries for pay, then why are we as consumers doing it for free. Don’t we have better things to do?

That said, you are wrong. There is a large subset of society whose skills and contributions do not rise above scanning

The issue isn’t leaking the game. The issue is the dude stole in order to do it. I hope he suffers all of the consequences. 

I loved the first couple seasons. But it went downhill when it went Peacock-exclusive.

I was disappointed to not see Better Off Ted on this list. Also, Ted Lasso. Give the Teds some love!

Me. I was one of the people. This is my second watch-through after watching it when it aired live. I’m on the final season, which is the worst season.

I was going to comment about the lack of 3 o’clock High. A good high school movie about bullying.

It’s not in this article, but the place you can go to that shows your dead hardcore characters says that his character died from a vampire bat. That would indicate that he did not automatically die from disconnect. So, ignore the chumps insulting you because you are right.

This is happening at fast food restaurants across the board. Most “value” meals are $10+. You order 2 specialty pizzas and you’re up over $30. People said raising wages would lead to this and now everyone is surprised? Inflation gives a nice out because then no one is talking about the CEO and whatever cutting their