
What part is a bad take? All of it. If you’re taking a child to a ball game they are your responsibility to protect just like when you take a kid on a car ride, or to the zoo, or to a pool or to a golf course or to a roller rink or a state fair, or a fucking bouncy castle at a fucking birthday party. If your kid is

I agree with what I think is your sarcasm.

I’m an absurdly white male who had a very rambunctious son, (I only say ‘Had”, because he’s like 20 now), who was always wanting to jump his bike off of this or ski over that etc etc.

I’m assuming more because he seems like the ultimate baseball-douche-bro whose idea of hanging out is to shotgun beers and gonch-pull nerds.

Whoa whoa WHOA! Let’s not get crazy there, Keva. These are just kids.

He strikes me as the type of guy off the field who smells like he bathed in Polo cologne and has un-naturally sweaty palms, his hair looks like it’s always wet and wears lace up dress shoes without socks that have a worn out toe on one foot because he’s “practices-golf-swing-in public” guy

Alcohol is crazy drug...

The thing that really stands out to me that talks to his power, is how many times you see him put guys to the ground with body shots. I’s a relatively rare thing, and it seems like he does it almost once a fight. Scary scary power.

Oh yeah?! But...but...bu...

I see where you’re going but that doesn’t make sense. Why call it “teephus’ when eephus doesn’t have any reference to baseball? It’s not a basephus.


Holy moley...cute pic.

The Flames ownership group pretty much does own Calgary and they have spent billions and billions over decades to help make Calgary the city it is today. This group of men are FAR from “assholes” and if you look around “your” fucking city and do a little research on the group, maybe you’d understand what they’ve

Bob Fuckin’ Ley, right there...

Lanny McDonald. No...wait...the guy in the BROWN coat...sorry, no idea.

Get your facts together. He wasn’t surfing on the cusp of an oncoming hurricane, dumbass.

Yeah...a lot of football head injuries are freak injuries. Any other questions?

This is not a new thing. Surfers, especially big wave surfers travel the world chasing storms. It’s what they do. Just like a race car driver, he had a dangerous job and it got him.

Simple question...

I care about your opinion, because of my pedigree. I need to. As absurd as it might sound, I need to defend the rules and in this particular case, the player. On Tour, being suspected as a cheater or even someone who abuses the rules is an absolute kiss of death, no player would ever risk cheating in a situation