The Real Five 0

I’ll be honest, every negative here sounds like Destiny when it started, only Anthem included matchmaking. Boring / Repetitive missions, broken loot system (engram decoding was stupid), heavy grind, boring drops until endgame. Heck, the only way to actually get good gear was to save up coins and hope the stranger had

I was enjoying 5 until I found out the ending and stopped playing.

Not quite as high end but my neighbor street parks a BMW i8

The “rules” are often ignored and while it makes sense for salmon and a few other variates, parasites from tuna are basically unheard of. I can guarantee the high-end sashimi that cost thousands is not frozen.

It seems like if you are hiring someone to do social media you would check their social media.

FDA rules require that it be frozen at least once but those rules only apply to the USA and are often ignored. If frozen, it needs to frozen and thawed in a particular manner to avoid damaging the fish (though some types of fish are suposedlyimprovedby freezing tuna is not one of them).

No, it really doesn’t. Toro should be darker than that and higher grades should have a more “marbled” appearance while being smoother. My guess would be it has been frozen at least once.

I grew up in a tsunami zone (we used to have yearly evacuation drills at my ElemtrySchool), went to school in tornado country, and now live in a major earthquake area (Bay Area). As a kid, I used to hike all over the volcano national park with my dad and its always been a favorite place (I have not been since the

The movie is not really satire per se but it attempts to draw attention to the absurdity of propaganda.

Maybe set a timeframe of 20 years, or set an interim goal that was feasible like removing all fossil fuel based power plants.

Bringing it to a vote does not block debate and there has been plenty of time for experts to weigh in.

If it wasn’t ready for a vote it shouldn’t have been presented. There is a process bills go through only the new members of Congress wanted their publicity now.

You need to set reasonable goals. Kennedy set the moon and not mars as a goal because it was possible. 10-year carbon neutral is impossible. Even if the technology existed, we could not physically build everything needed in that time frame.

The Senate will be taking up a vote for the Green New Deal in what’s widely seen as a cynical ploy by Mitch McConnell to divide Democrats at the expense of millennials and future generations.

Yeah and the call it the Reign of Terror and it resulted in the direct deaths of 40 thousand people (few of which were rich) and plunged the entire continent into a series of wars that killed between 3 and 6 million more.

Blizzard was actually the dog of the bunch from a margin standpoint.

You can have record revenue and still be losing money. If you look at the financials Activision had an amazing year but Blizzard’s was just okay. Their Net margin was even lower than King ‘s.

And the revolution will devour its children.

How did they get the non-pumped breast milk to test?

Yup, to live is to pollute. You would have to factor in the level of consumerism for society as well. Civ has always bee a bit simplified. The black death led to the Renaissance, smallpox allowed Europeans to take over North America, disease and civilization go hand in hand.