The 400 Bros

IIRC, locomotive loves playing dense.

Hyperbole must not exist in your world. Also hard ass motherfuckers sometimes just yell.

I didn’t say it was logical :P

Koreans are HARDCORE nationalists - almost to a fault. There is no sense of identifying with POC as a whole or even others of East Asian descent. It's one aspect of Korean culture that I can't stand.

This is immediately what I thought of. Every time the hubs and I fly together we manage to bring up ASIAN chicken salads. Love Margaret Cho!

This is so funny to me because my mom (who is also Korean) always told us to call ourselves Oriental, because ‘Asian’ included too many other countries.

Ugh, Alzheimer’s sucks so hard. My gran was conservative, but empathetic and pretty good about using proper terms so far as she kept up with them. Towards the end, though, she definitely reverted to her old south roots, and there was lots of “negroes” and “colored people.” It was SO bad, but definitely the Alzheimer’s

Now playing

Has anyone posted this yet? I thought of it immediately-

I feel ya my husband has a hard time saying he’s Chinese or Chinese American and it’s purely because of racism he has internalized. However Asian is ok for him it’s like he doesn’t want to be specified because then people can get more racist about it with slurs.

My boyfriend (who is Korean) gets really upset when people call him “Asian.” He insists that if you can’t call him by his nationality, you should call him Oriental, because “Asian includes the Chinese and Japanese and Indians and Malaysians and Taiwanese and Indonesian etc etc etc.”

Her tweet is literally the only time I’ve seen “I’m not PC but...” used in a sentence where the second half didn’t make me go wait what.

I love her book! The sweet potato gnocchi is so much easier than I thought and my bf who doesn’t eat anything wants to make the pepper pasta 3 times a month. It’s also idiot proof which a definitely need.

I'm sorry you all are going through that I hope your family is not too overwhelmed by it all.

Ok yes that is even better. Goddamnit. Thank you.

It actually reminds me exactly of the time I spent in a small, private liberal arts college in the Midwest in the 90s when young women would often preface their views on any discussion involving campus sexism/misogyny with, “I mean, I’m not some *feminist* but....”

Yep, one of my elderly relatives, who has a Chinese grandchild, has dementia and has reverted to oriental to describe her much-loved granddaughter as Oriental. It makes everyone so mad and sad. Mad for the kid, who is so understanding, but sucks she has to be. Sad for Grandma because her five years ago self would be

When someone goes out of their way to say “I’m not a PC kinda person,” it sets off alarm bells for me. The rest of what she said is fine/reasonable/her choice but when someone starts off by announcing they’re “not politically correct” I find myself bracing for a shit show.

On a semi-related note, it’s a really good cookbook. I am always kind of dubious when it comes to celebrity cookbooks. But I picked up hers at the library just to see what she had in it. (Hey, lending is free. No harm, no foul.) I found myself drooling over the recipes. She is a down home cook. Made me see her in a

Well, I see Fashion has made it back around to 1996.