Since you’re so concerned with correct English, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this corrective:
Since you’re so concerned with correct English, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this corrective:
Counter-point: Greatest movie based on a comic book character, of all-time.
Zero Clown Thirty.
You most certainly have to enter a pin in Vancouver. 15 years ago it was swipe and pin, 10 years ago it was chip and pin.
Side note: while those two agents were certainly no fans of the eventual President, they also criticized both Democrat candidates, a Democrat Attorney General, and a number of other folks seemingly regardless of party affiliations. To me, <puts on stereotypical and clearly fake psychology spectacles> this might…
Stop watching Hannity.
It’s the (potential) illegal use of campaign funds that’s the issue. the fact that’s salacious is why the media is focusing on the Stormy angle. And also because of the hypocrisy of the “family values” Evangelicals voting overwhelmingly for a candidate who literally embodies the 7 deadly sins.
Contradictions between Spielberg and Cline: I read the book and I’ll probably see the movie this weekend. I was thinking about “Spielberg face”, where a character sees something awesome like a dinosaur and spaceship, and Spielberg gives you a tight, low angle, gentle zoom into an actor with widening eyes and mouth…
There are two basic camps in Christian theology (painting with a very broad brush) about which aspect of the crucifixion was the really important one. In Catholic theology, the key aspect of what Jesus did was His death; His primary role was a substitutionary sacrifice. That’s why Catholic iconography, which Gibson’s…
I know the screenwriter. He will enjoy this.
That might be the most Canadian thing Norm’s ever done, and he’s pretty damn Canadian.
And Bret Easton Ellis is a horrible shitty person.
Norm Macdonald eviscerated Bret Easton Ellis when he called Alice Munro overrated. His tweets: “Alice Munro is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to automaking. Bret Easton Ellis is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to literature.” and “It is interesting to see Alice Munro, the writer’s writer, criticized by Bret…
Garland has written/directed one movie that kind of went of course near the end with Sunshine, so I don’t really like this suggestion that is made in general towards his films. It’s weird to say Ex Machina didn’t stick the landing (I know IV said as much in the review a few years ago and the commentariat back then…
Yeah, I thought it absolutely paid off the set-up.
Agreed. I also wouldn’t call anything about it half-formed, especially since Automata, Godzilla, and Lucy were the competition that year.
It's a YA book for 40-year-olds.