Yep. Still judging people who don’t benefit from the same privilege she does, for not benefiting from the same privilege she does.
Yep. Still judging people who don’t benefit from the same privilege she does, for not benefiting from the same privilege she does.
Gosh, everything is boring today. Had she not been misquoted and had I know that the comment was about sexism I would still feel the same way because it comes from a place of extreme privilege to be able to feel that way. It’s easy to forget or maybe not even care much in the first place that others like you are…
Yeah; that is what I thought, and now I am confused. Perhaps the clarification was hindsight damage control?
If that is the case then she’s still a fucking idiot. My comment still stands and I’ll just leave it for the next dumb white celebrity who makes an ignorant remark. I’m sure we shall have one tomorrow.
That’s bullshit tho. She was talking about the current Oscars flap.
Can you imagine if they all ripped off their wigs at once? For the love of Darren Starr, we need this to happen.
My skin has a grey pallor in mine, I have dark circles under my eyes, and I have an unfortunate scowl. I feel bad whenever I give it to the border agents on the Ambassador Bridge, because I truly look disturbed in it and that’s not my normal expression.
My headphones/tiara combo isn’t nearly as nice as Rihanna’s.
Seriously, that picture is the absolute ultimate. Jesus Christ, unreal.
As I saw posted elsewhere about this, while this is great news for PP, the sad part is the damage has been done in so many peoples’ minds. Granted, those were the people who wanted to believe PP sold baby parts for profit, but the kind of damage these videos did will take time to remedy, if it can ever be remedied.
what an awesome idea! I remember feeling limited by the books available in the school curriculum when I was a kid too, different reasons (my reading comprehension was somewhere at a high school/adult level by the time I was 11), but I remember being so bored by what they thought I should be reading. It’s cool to see…
Celebrity Ghost Stories was better.
You are being generous with your grading system.
You know, I have been in gender neutral bathrooms and never had a problem with grown men, but I have been in women's only bathrooms and have had problems when some mom insists on bringing her 12 year old son in there and he peeps through the cracks at the edge of the door or even under the doors.
Actually know, like we know facts about WWII? You’re right about that.
However, while some archaeologists spin a LOT of yarns that are pretty much made up from nothing, there are better archaeologists who do their best to only guess based on facts they can establish.
I sympathize with you, really. “It probably served…
Well, I mean, your chances of being run over tend to skyrocket when you are outside vs. when you are inside.