
Sick burn!

re-released? yes

But we KNOW it was developed from the Snow Queen. There were like three iterations of a Disney Snow Queen adaptation (most of which were called THE SNOW QUEEN) before they came out with Frozen. In fact, the largely only disappointing thing about this film is that we won't be getting a truer (perhaps traditionally

Fun fact: The voice actress for Red in this special is the same as the Japanese VA for Mokuba in Yu-Gi-Oh.

External UMD drive?

See, I was willing to side with you, It sounded like you were going to talk about how ftp was good for poor gamers or kids just getting into gaming. But instead you focused and repeated on the capitalist regime of the games industry, and how a need for profit is inevitable. Well "f*ck you" says this socialist gamer,

Sorry, but open-endedness DOES NOT make a character have more staying power, nor does a steady flow of releases thanks to corporate ownership.
The fact is, no, Harry Potter doesn't belong on the same pedestal as Luke Skywalker, Spider-Man or James Bond, whoe all have corporate ownership and open-ended universes. Harry