Lola del Rio

The episode where she shames Samantha for blowing the Fed Ex guy is the worst. I wanted to smack her when she brought it up at brunch. She wanted support to shame Samantha’s sexuality.

From the jump he was saying he wanted the tapes out and that said a lot to me. If he was guilty or in anyway worried then he would be nervous about how the tapes would portray him. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and believed her but at the same time wasn’t ready to condemn him, I honestly thought maybe they were

People who regularly do shots.

Demario seemed like kind of a dick on Rachel’s season, but I am glad he is using this opportunity to point out the racial factors that fed into all this and that as a black man he felt he had to make sure the cameras were following so he didn’t automatically look like the sexually aggressive black guy taking advantage

Burger ghosted her cause she made more money than him, and that hurt his fragile feelings. Sorry, but Burger sucked. If he had said ‘I can’t stand your personality’ then I would be all in.

YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!! That will always bother me! Or how one episode we were supposed to congratulate Carrie for having the *bravery* to do social things on her own but really what she was doing was dumping her friend Miranda at home for having a baby (thus being needy and boring).

Eh, I still love “Sex and the City.” It’s my favorite thing to watch on a Saturday night at home.

Agreed. Smith Jared probably comes in second.

Harry was the best guy on the show.

The show ages well if you view Carrie as an anti-hero, and not someone we’re supposed to love in spite of all of her selfishness and fuck-ups. Because yeah, she was kind of a shitty friend at best and an outright monster at worst. Like, remember that episode where she yells at Charlotte until she gives her money so

To be fair, Samantha does qualify it with “but younger and much more attractive.”

Team Aiden 4ever.

Am I alone in thinking that Mr. Big didn’t so much torture Carrie as she projected all of her hopes and dreams and whatnot onto him and then freaked out every time she got a reality check as to who he was/where she stood with him? He def did some jerk things but I feel like she could have avoided a lot of it by being

You were too good for her Chris Noth.

Ooooh! Any relation to Bill S. Preston, Esq.?

For you!

I moved to a hat-wearing Euro country three years ago and at first, I made fun of the hats. Then, I got a pink hat as a “haha, look at how Euro I am” ironic wear at my first day at the races. Now I own multiple hats and can’t imagine going to a wedding without. Hats. Are. My. Thing. Now.