Killa Ric

All I can say after 2 episodes is the choice to only have 8 episodes is bad. Way too many things are being rushed that it's causing me and I'm sure other viewers to be apathetic towards many if not most of the characters as well don't know who they are

I totally agree with you but I’d add two more things: slow and unreliable public chargers and I would feel more comfortable if it’s overall range matched my Genesis at 400-430 miles to a tank. 

That’s not happening. 

Going back to the Battle of Winterfell I agree with this YouTuber who said as good Battle strategy they should've fell back to the Twin, which would've bee a choke point and better defensive ground for the living. A dramatic as that ep. was I think this would be been better. Does no one on that show know about

I remember a few years ago (season 6) an article came about discussing how without Martin’s text to work from the writing took a drop. I disagreed at first but it then became clearer and clearer as GOT became a mediocre show (aside from some battlefield scenes). Now this last episode takes the Cake for nonsense. I

Damnit! You beat me to that joke! 

Everything is going to be okay because Mexico is going to pay for wall

I like that his new chief of staff was quoted as saying the wall is something that children think will work in 2015. 

Oh god... World war 3 is coming isn’t it? I would go and see my parents again but they live in the Philippines in the SOUTH CHINA SEA. Umm... No thanks. I love you Mom and Dad.

Its so infuriating to have to read or listen to Trump voters who regret their vote now that it’s affecting them directly. The level of stupidity and lack of foresight to see what Trump is capable of and how little he cares about anything but himself is simply infuriating! I can’t think of another word for it but

You can’t be articulate and black. If you are then you’re an arrogant know it all.

I live in Richmond VA but grew up in the NOVA suburbs and in the magazine racks at Walmart they sell magazine like Personal Home Defense and Home Invasion magazines. Fear sells well it seems.

We all complain about him, rightfully so, but his supporters are willing to look away at this and are also so brainwashed that they will believe his horse diarrhea no matter how ridiculous it is. We’re kind of fucked.

Hpw hasn't he been cut yet? I'm trying to think back but I can't think of another QB that's played this badly and hasn't been let go.

I like google play music as it I have all my owned music plus unlimited streaming. There’s also the extra perk of having access to you tube music and you tube red. No ads for me sir.

Why is parking?