
I’m trying to think of a business magnate who has so thoroughly ground his reputation into the dirt as Elon has and I am completely blank.

After Trump confirmed that Elon endorsed him “Full Throated”, it’s clear old muskrat will do anything for his favorite politicians.

100% if they don’t even bother to clean the interior. 

I haven’t purchased a car from a private seller in over 20 years but I tend to browse a lot. Wealth signaling vanity shots where someone carefully arranges every “nice” thing they have into frame always gets under my skin and gives me the ick. Like, no way do I want to deal with that person and their ego. 

That photo taken at a coastal highway utilizing the S-curve and the Rule of Thirds for the photo’s composition is truly terrific. The light illuminating the car while it’s surrounded by shadows—the photographer needs to take a bow—he hit that one out of the ballpark.

“Do those empty Monster cans and Dollar General receipts come with the car?”

“Just needs....”

When the owner is too lazy, too whatever to spiff up his wheels. A filthy carpet, fogged headlights, struts that no longer hold up the hatch—if the owner can’t be bothered to address the obvious issues with his vehicle, what’s wrong with the rest of the turdmobile? Oil last changed 15,000 miles ago? Last time the

And I see you’ve switched out the Charger ICE-V image for the Ioniq 5 N photo.  Second time is the charm?

Actually bothering to report any and all ravings from Donald The Felon when he’s a proven pathological liar...why?

going to a “certain location” ...... epsteins island?

If Joe Biden gave this response to this question the New York Times would not shut up about it for six weeks.

“In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him.”

And yet you used the 6-banger Charger ICE-V, not the EV, to illustrate your post. Such “accuracy” on your part.

Who cares? I drove some BMW EV that let you pick themes for the car. Each one had a unique acceleration synthesized sound. I thought it was pretty cool. If people want it to sound like an ICE, who TF cares?

This privately imported but as yet un-registered car...”

Elon’s support of Donald The Felon causing Tesla sales to tank.... Yes Virginia, schadenfreude is the best emotion.

They cost too much (check the whopper prices for the Charger EV) and I drive too little per year to make one cost-justifiable.

To be fair, that’s my reason for ANY new car. 🤣

I have been on a couple of cruises, and my wife and I are going on another this fall, but I don’t get the appeal of these mega-ships. The ships we’ve gone on held about 3,000 passengers, and even that felt like a lot. I can’t imagine dealing with 2-3x that number.