
PT Barnum setting the price?

Price ‘em so high as to shut off many potential buyers from popping for the EVs...such “genius” on Dodge’s part.

Oh look! Donald’s Bitch goes for a photo op while he’s not whining about Walz’s military service record—a man who put in 24 years with the National Guard and was mustered out due to hearing issues. Such “genius” on Vance’s part.

So $80k price at the dealer? Gotcha

Boy Stellantis sure does seems good at shooting themselves in the foot these days. Who is buying a base model Dodge car for 60 grand? No one. 

LOLOLOLOL. Good luck with all that!

Oh god, a little noise for a couple of seconds hurts your ears, grow up and ignore it.

This. So much this. An E4 calling out an E9, Vance needs to GFH. Sure Vance spent 6 months in the sand but he was still a REMF MOS while Walz was Artillery

Both are pogues. But one was a desk jockey PAO that sat in an air conditioned office in their one 6 month deployment, and one was frocked to CSM and retired as a MSG. Furthermore, it’s uncouth to attack a veteran for their service if you’re a veteran yourself, especially in politics. I do think the NG is lame, but if

This is exactly what a lame ass E4 mafia pogue would do for clout. As a veteran myself, I shy away from calling out veterans for their service, but when a single term enlistment pogue calls out a 24 year veteran, it’s fair game.

I have nothing to add to this. Chef’s kiss. 

I was going to say I would pay $1000 for it, just for giggles, but on further It’s a Beetle with a wooden shed stuck to it. And not even a nice shed. Someone was high/very high when they came up with that price. I appreciate that they tried to work around the shortcomings of their own insanity (engine

A loud exhaust on the Charger.

By my figuring, $17,500 is about 115 nights at a Hampton Inn, after which you’d still have your wife, the respect of your neighbors, and your sanity. ND.

This is an April Fools’ joke on August 8th, right?  Right?

This thing is a convincing argument for there being no god. 

Given how many cars nowadays have nothing but oppressive black or (stand back for this radical choice!) charcoal grey, colorful interiors becoming a trend is A-OK with me. My everyday car’s interior is charcoal grey, so the first mod I did to it was a set of red semi-custom seat covers. They practically make the seats

Cost-effectiveness needs to take into account the ancillary effects of the fire: damage to the garage structure, injuries to residents exposed to acrid smoke inhalation, firemen tied up so can’t respond to other blazes, so yeah—these blankets are looking better and better.

Yes, especially in this situation. An underground garage is kind of the worst case scenario for a fire in that access is limited for a pump truck and for personnel. There’s also limited ventilation (which is good to limit the fire but bad from a toxic fume perspective). I would say fire departments should definitely

The Autopian points out how fire blankets aren’t perfect, but they go a long ways towards making the EV fire much easier to manage as the firemen extinguish the flames: