
No, this is what happens when self-centered white people and Americans see white as the default. To the Japanese, anime characters look Japanese. To Americans, anime characters look white. In regards to GITs, if you bothered to even watch the series, you would know that nearly all Caucasian characters (e.g. American

You know, if I see one more person say “What were they supposed to do, she wanted out” without even fucking acknowledging the reason it got to that point, I’m go to Hulk out.

A black actress quit a popular (though struggling) TV show in its 3rd season and in which she was the lead ... to do other things? Really? Not because the writers have been marginalizing her and treating her character as expendable for quite some time now? You sure about that? Nah, I’m laying this *squarely* at the

Let’s say, in theory, Bill Clinton secretly, in his heart, did not want Hillary to become President.

Would he be doing differently on the campaign trail?

*googles ‘how to report a hate crime’*

Well, here’s the thing: we cast white people in everything. 95% of our pop-culture output seems like it’s by, for, or about white people. So when we cast PoCs in traditionally white roles, it just seems like we’re finally paying attention to the importance of representation. On the flip side, when we have a movie