
I’m giddy with anticipation!

I’ll be building another F1 cockpit inside an ottoman.

I’m aware; not correcting my Iphone.

As a “gear head” who has never been able to watch NASCAR, largely due to it’s embrace of conservative ideologies and figures, this comes as music to my ears.

Not sure if sarcasm or moron. All caps says moron. Avatar says possibly woke.


It’s got a great presence to it.

If you think The Root is racist, you probably don’t frequent The Root.

Even though it’s a bit out of my budget, I would go buy a wagon/hatchback version of this today, if offered here in the ‘states.


There adde some really good comments here already, and better said than what I could attempt. Therefore I’ll just leave with this:

You know, when I walk by a dog’s egg in the park, the first thing I think is “in a couple month’s time, and some salad dressing, I’ll be glad to choke that down.”

People have collectively dedicated thousands of hours of reddit writing/youtube vids/social media rants to their disgust with the story; Ava is quite oft the impetus of the hate.  Search “bl3 Ava” on youtube and you will get some detailed viewpoints.

Personally, I’d like clearer identification of Mayhem-level loot. FFXIV did a fantastic job of this by showing the required level to equip and the level of the gear, separately. 👍

I’m 1/2 way thru my TVH mode run, lvl 57, have some decent legendaries, and felt like I needed more of a challenge, so I amped up the Ambermire to mayhem 3. I got so thoroughly wrecked I had to turn it off.

Good film” is a stretch. “Best of the trilogy” is wording more appropriate. When you compare it to the other two, TLJ is good - much the same way that ESB is amazing when compared to Hope and RotJ. I guess the difference is the starting point:

Looking forward to the turn-based mode.  I can’t believe it shipped without this.

This. If any FF deserved/deserves a remake, it is VI.

This is great news!