Real reasons don’t matter. I’m still blaming John Elway.
Real reasons don’t matter. I’m still blaming John Elway.
Lebron’s “Republicans buy shoes too.” moment.
It’s Nintendo’s fault for simultaneously advertising Winnie the Pooh as a playable in Smash.
I need this on a t-shirt.
Two pieces of proof that humanity is as moronic as it has even been.
There’s a lot of beautiful No Man’s Sky in this work, that isn’t in No Man’s Sky.
As a Coloradan, you have an unwritten obligation to be a Bronco “passive enthusiast” if not a full-up fan. Those who immigrate to Colorado will find themselves having to prove loyalty and or fealty to either; John Elway, Zebulon Pike, and/or Air Force Academy aircraft chemtrails. That said, even if you’re a Pikey, you…
Ahh the MLB playoffs... I din’t know rooting for a giant meteor was an option till 2007, and I haven’t looked back since.
Agree to disagree. There is no salve for Chris Webber.
Jeeps don’t have easter eggs; just dog’s eggs.
If betting could actually happen on this, I’d certainly put $20 on Morgan Freeman.
Wait till you hear what I have to say, the day after Donald’s last. In comparison, his tweet will look downright charming.
A bag of hot air, a half-wit, and a pathetic...
I’m shocked (not really) there are/were at least 3 Donald Trumps who worked for Liberty U.
This is good Kinja.
Kotaku is the Bahamian hurricane refugee without a passport. T2 is an angry orange man.
Do excuse yourself. Those of us who can manage to plan our laundry day before we run out of underpants, welcome the economy amd simplicity of a electric hatchback.
I hadn’t considered the similarity to #nastywoman and owning it the way so many did after the debates.