
AV Club author, be embarrassed by how misleading your headline is. Straight from the linked source: "To be clear, the list below does not represent what each state
Googles the most, it simply shows the searches each state Googles more
frequently than the other 49 states and the District of Columbia." I realize that

"As the penultimate episode before the season six finale"… there is some repetition in your redundant words there. (The opening words to the article, the first words from the beginning of the first sentence at the beginning of the first paragraph at the beginning of the article). ;-P

1) A professional athlete is an athlete who competes at the professional level. Mindblowing, I know.
2) Go to a pro kite comp, pick 10 random contestants, and find out exactly how rich they are. Not sure where you are getting that idea from…

I think the Commodore was more threatened by than he was disdainful of Nucky's interpretation of the American Dream. He said something to the effect of "everything in this town comes from me" and felt threatened by Nucky because he knew Nucky was smart enough not to believe that, to know that there were a dozen

Why do they insist on spoiling what few actual plot points there are in the previews a week before?