
Boy, sounds like it worked out really well for everyone! Good thing the people with real power (read: The US/CIA) didn’t try to interfere too much, because power hates losing power!
Also, super sweet that the redistribution of wealth in the Soviet Union lasted forever because no one was corrupt and everybody prospered

It’s not the action that the Soviet Union had trouble with - it’s the consequences. That’s the part that idealists like to ignore. Which is a shame because they are, by and large, every bit as important.

Don’t waste your time. You. Yes, you is a half-thinker that never fully realizes the consequences of the actions ne argues for. I had already thought it was pretty bad, but I didn’t realize ne was at the “We don’t even NEED a president!” stage of political understanding. Maybe, in a few years, ne’ll rise to the level

Couldn’t have asked it better, myself. This is the “#NotAllMen” of progressives.

Also in Texas, but that was the first thing that leapt to my mind. Of course, no one in their right mind would legitimately call them “cowboys”. That’s Hollywood nonsense (a critique of OP, not you; I assume you were just matching verbiage). But the ranch hands around these parts certainly fit the bill.

And duckonajunebug’s responses are exactly why we aren’t making any headway in dispelling that belief.

Complete with halo!

Hey, not to condescend, (and I say this to the entire thread, not just you), but Joe_Limon is not a reasonable person. Discussion ne participates in are just a way for nym to espouse talking points and ignore valid critique.

Two weeks ago, a Vanity Fair profile of Bannon made your president turn the deepest shade of orange. (I don’t think he can turn red. He just goes from tangerine to, like, burnt sienna.) On Wednesday, excerpts of a book written by journalist Michael Wolff were published online—and according to the Washington Post, your

The funny part about this, is that the same idea is laid out in a speech in Community. You’re not telling Harmon anything he doesn’t know.

So if I stick one of these to my face, I can stop AI from calling upon my personal data by using my facial biometric data as a lookup?

There ain’t a musical performer alive today that doesn’t owe The Beatles a debt. You don’t have to like their music, but they shaped the modern landscape. They’re legends.

I can’t believe you don’t know this, so I’ll chalk up your responses to “digging in”, in the face of the shitty tones of the people responding to you, but you have to know that second-hand information, like you admitted to being most influence by, is flawed in many ways.

I mean, in the movie, he specifically says otherwise, so I don’t know what you want me to tell you. He says that it ignited in a moment of weakness, almost by instinct. Almost as if, I don’t know, some kind of magical dark force compelled him, but he was strong enough to fight it.

Keep reading the thread. When you get to my comment about the baseball player, then you can try to make a better argument, if you’re still so inclined.

Right? Damn handy little feature for an OS to include!

I left it off because my comment was about the commentariat, not the joke.

Agreed! I wish more of the Jez commenters could be as honest with themselves, as I am. Not that I’m some shining beacon, but to even be on my level would be a refreshing step up.

I’ve read plenty enough to know that none of them dismantle their storytelling devices, within their stories, in order to function. That’s an entirely different type of storytelling, popularized in far more modern stories.

Yeah, between Print Screen and the “Snipping Tool” app in Windows, this is largely redundant. Though the “screenshot a whole web page, even though it’s not in view” is always handy.