I love it: Gizmodo posts a bad review about it and this guy takes it out and shoots it. Can we see the 50 cal desert eagle version now.
I love it: Gizmodo posts a bad review about it and this guy takes it out and shoots it. Can we see the 50 cal desert eagle version now.
Wow, that's amazing. I can ask my family for a camera memory card or battery, for example, without having to explain the specific model number and without worrying about returns. This idea is probably in response to the store's increase in returns just after the holidays. Very smart. Amazon's coined "frustration free"…
I miss living in Florida. I use to be able to see the Kennedy space center from where I lived. It was awesome there.
This reminds me of the movie "a beautiful mind", just the way this guy believed them. I wonder if he imagined the whole thing and just started writing this company large checks.
These companies are preventing progress. This is why it takes years and years for innovative products to work, and why some of the best ideas become total flops. I'm starting an alliance of people who block television stations, let's see how they like that.
This is exactly what a lot of entrepreneurs do, purposely and openly. They design a company to be bought out by a larger company. Look at some of the best features available from most large companies. Chances are that the technology or idea stemmed from a small company where an entrepreneur became very wealthy.
I'm a student, and bought an iPad thinking I would use it for school, but found it was actually difficult and the laptop was much easier to use (partly because of the lack of multitasking). Even if they market it as being useful for students, it's practical application will likely be more of a distraction.
I'm sick of seeing spaceship concepts. Can we get to the real thing already? I mean come on, it's 2010.
I love it! All they had to do was say iPad and Virizon in the same sentence, officially. I'm so glad that I spent the extra $130 on apps instead of getting 3G. I looked at a 3G my friend had and the plastic piece felt cheap and was unevenly placed on the iPad, like it would get damaged easily. I like the wifi model so…
Every time I see the word "blurry" i immediately think that someones iOS device just auto-incorrected the word bluray.
I thought his crown was supposed to be made of thorns anyway. Not only do they think god is real, they can't even get their own stories straight.
Scary.. I thought everyone already realized that god was not real. Can someone translate the past 25 years of information into Pollish? These guys need help before they waste any more money.
Tom Cruise jumping off the tallest building in the world for Mission Impossible 4... He must have really enjoyed filming Vanilla Sky. Let me guess: he "chose this scenario" lol
Pebble Jump and ArtPuzzles, well at least they were free when i got them, not sure if they are still free or not.