
That's awesome. I fly back to the stares on nov 20th, taking Delta the whole way, and I brought my iPad. Couldn't be more perfect timing. I will post reviews after to explain the speed, and reliability. This will be my first time using in-flight wifi.

Apple is going to sue, look at the home screen.

What about the color blind? Lol

You should lookup "movies in minutes Facebook the movie" by nigahiga on YouTube.

I'm so glad that I live in a time where the capabilities of visually documenting history are so advanced. The heroes, the famous, and all of those who make tomorrow's history will be vividly remembered in a comprehensive manner.

How do we transmit that data? I have tried researching deep space data transmissions before, bit have always ended up finding irrelevant information. Can anyone point me to an article?

Dumb question: Do 8 gigabits = 1 gigabyte, or does a gigabyte not even exist. If both exist, when we say GB, which are we referring to most commonly, and which is = 1024 *1024 * 1024 bytes, (which I know is 8 bits)? Sorry to ask such a noob question, I just never really looked into it, and always referred to them as

Dumb question: Do 8 gigabits = 1 gigabyte, or does a gigabyte not exist. If both exist, when we say GB, which are we referring to most commonly? Which is true: 1 gigabit = 1024 *1024 * 1024 bytes, or bits? Sorry to ask such a noob question, I just never really looked into it, and always referred to them as "gigs", and

Why doesn't an innovative entrepreneur just buy a 3D printer, make an iPad app, and ship special orders for a much cheaper price. It could end up very lucrative and would require little work. Never mind, forget what you read. I'm going down to the patent office and local SBA right now.

I think we crashed their server. I was abler to look through the first 6 pages, then when I tried to load the 7th page it timed out and now their website won't load anymore. LOL.

Yeah, if you type "Awwww" with four W's, it changes it to "Sewer", lol.

Looks like we will be getting garage band. Maybe now they will release an official iLife for iPad, considering they already basically have it.

I kept expecting to see Will Smith walk out of one of those dark buildings with a shotgun.

If we can't find it by December 1st, I say we buy this kid $50 in candy, a new backpack, and a PSP for Christmas. If you set up a pay pal gateway, I'm sure that gizmo do readers would be willing to do their good deed of the year, especially those of us who can't remember doing a good deed yet this year and it's

Where are you guys coming up with these outrageous prices? A pound only costs $500, and an ounce at street value is only $100 after markup.

If we placed a giant mirror in space, 10 lightyears away from us, assuming we had the appropriate line of sight, we would be able to see our own planet as it is today, 20 years from now.