Yeah, and they're probably going to use that $55 million to buy new HP computers.
Yeah, and they're probably going to use that $55 million to buy new HP computers.
I want some
But what will Apple name their jacks? They can't name them Apple Jacks. ;)
Oh man, are they going to have to rename Apple's "Face-Time"?
I thought trademarks had to be more unique than single words, and especially more unique than common words or phrases. If they get this, then I'm going to go through the dictionary and trademark every word there is, and hopefully I'll be able to sue all English-speaking people and businesses for trademark infringement…
I really hope so. I will totally drop cable, finally. I would much rather buy 128 shows per month that I actually want to watch.
Their "interactive" version sucks. They should have used Microsoft Silverlight's zoom capabilities.
If the airline industry used Macs, they could have saved at least 154 lives.
I like how you so conveniently used the word "Nevermind" to lead the second paragraph in an article about Nirvana.
All locks do is keep honest people honest. If someone really wants to take something that does not belong to them, they will find a way to do it. They'll just be sorry when they discover their victim subscribes to MobileMe.
The BlendTek blender was much better with bic lighters.
They should hook up an iPhone 4 to the Hubble Space Telescope.
Apple is going to sue for their copyright on "design and system for square black keys on an aluminum casing".
What is a land line? (just joking)
"Multi-Touch" is an Apple trademark.