I would still want the 9.7 inch, and would probably not even consider the 7 inch. The whole point of the iPad is that it's bigger. Why would I want to buy a smaller iPad when I already have an iPhone?
I would still want the 9.7 inch, and would probably not even consider the 7 inch. The whole point of the iPad is that it's bigger. Why would I want to buy a smaller iPad when I already have an iPhone?
Wow, someone was finally bored enough to reinvent the wheel. Behold, Wheel 2.0!
Good thing I'm a Mac user and I'm not British...
It's because we still have people living out in the middle of nowhere, like Kansas, who still think the world is flat.
I can totally see the iTV becoming an Apple game console that competes with Sony PlayStation on accident.
All you would have to do is go into blu-ray categories, sort price high-to-low, then click into the commentary section, where someone is bound to say, "Why would anyone pay this ridiculous price when you can just download it for free". Five clicks and you win!
We're going to have to call IT and have them order 4 more expansion decks. I thought they took care of that last month, but looked inside the printer to find that they only purchased black mana, but this printer requires the other four colors in order to work its "Magic".
Our iPhone's are going to have a new feature called "bounce-back". When you drop the phone, instead of having to lean over to pick it up, the phone will just automatically bounce back into your hand. This will also encourage iPhone owners to demonstrate the new capabilities to their friends, family, and co-workers,…
Wikipedia should release a similar Web site where information from Wikipedia is verified through scholar research by PhD graduates. I would pay for access to "docpedia" (used as an hypothetical example only; this site is currently operated as an Ad-Farm; don't bother searching for it).
I'm so glad that he decided to become an entrepreneur in the field of computer software before pursuing his interest in toilets. Otherwise, Al Gore wouldn't have invented the internet and we'd all be screwed.
Yuck, that makes me want to scrub the gunk off of my eyes. It looks like seaweed. It would be interesting to find out what resolution the human eye sees at 20x20 vision.
Google is the modern Einstein. They write some code to estimate how many books there are in the world. Then they receive massive criticism from people who claim they didn't account for quite a lot of books. So Google researches it through the vast wisdom cached on their servers to find that their estimate was exactly…
Why don't they just use a single-story building?
It's the first multitouch phone without a screen! Some of the key features are:
Finally, I can't wait to have the ribbon on Mac OS.