@aaronarmstrong13: Did you play GTA II with Glide enabled? The graphics were pretty sweet for the time, I believe they even had dynamic lighting!
@aaronarmstrong13: Did you play GTA II with Glide enabled? The graphics were pretty sweet for the time, I believe they even had dynamic lighting!
By "a version of the classic" do you mean the top-down scroller, Grand Theft Auto by DMA Design?
Hmm. Doesn't work so great on my first gen iPhone (on wireless).
I wish I fit into the M3 stereotype. Myself and everyone I know who owns one is either in IT or Engineering.
Mmm, masochism...
Lol. It's an Olympus though, who has that?
I love this. I just hope it's not retroactive. <..
@orphic1: Yessss!
Ha... ah awww =(
Oh yes, we have encountered this on many GX280s. Fortunately, we've retired almost all of them by this point.
@dmoon: Driving that on the street has to be the biggest case of blue balls ever.
@Jim-Bob wants a Yaris: "I just don't like their left wing ideology."
@TheFu: I'm pretty concerned about someone seeing what I read/post on LifeHacker.
I want motorcycles to actually start looking like this.
@im2fools: It happens =/
How to make this trailer in 15 easy steps:
@JEmlayUSA: Fine. If the military is at your house using this, it's the last of your concerns. Either there's a natural disaster requiring them to be present, or they're raiding your house for suspected terrorists. Them stealing your electricity is not something you should be worrying about.
@timgray: We bought several Canon Vixia HFS100s (~$1000 ea), a Panasonic AG-DVX100 (~$2500) and a Panasonic AG-HMC150 (~$3400). While the latter two certainly have features that a dSLR won't (adjustable stereo inputs), for the price, I could achieve a lot of my goals with a T2i and additional equipment.
@bornonbord: I thought FAT32 single file size limit was 4GB?