The Yellow Peril

@JEmlayUSA: It's SpecOps. If they're there, someone is going to die. I think having electricity stolen is the last of your worries.

Nope, I'm not smart enough to play this game.

Great, now I have more reminders of how I'm failing to live up to my potential.

I love the world of Futurama.

@jtxx.lndn1: Important Notice: Friends, family, individuals, or organizations may be interested to learn that you are an applicant for or an employee of the CIA. Their interest, however, may not be benign or in your best interest. You cannot control whom they would tell. We therefore ask you to exercise discretion and

@Roberto G.: Have you been to anywhere in China? I've never had this problem.

@BrtStlnd: And people with dogs always think they don't smell like dog, but they do. They always do.


Yah, I'm going to have to disagree. Two stop lights went out in North Seattle when I lived there a couple of years ago and it was a clusterfuck for hours at all of the intersections near by.

Look for this in an email chain forward near you.

I love the whistle tip video. He takes off in the wrong lane, almost hits a car and blows a stop sign, and the News doesn't skip a beat.

I don't really see the problem, unless he has sat on a trial that Hubbard was involved in and either found him not-guilty or gave him reduced sentences (neither this, nor the original article seem to mention that happening). From what I can tell, he sent him to jail, and then they became friends.

@palerider1775: Get the fuck out. Don't even argue with it if you think so lowly of the audience, just get the fuck out.

Any Endurance Race in any racing game, ever. You keep coming back for the mad credits, but it almost drives you insane every time.

I hope the camera activates faster than my first-gen iPhone. I often find myself losing photos because I'm waiting for it to start.

It looks like a bloody whale.

Haha, this is cute, and not in the creepy way either.

@copytron: My experience has been yes, if it can be hidden from street view somewhat easily. And I actually preferred that to trying to drive from Seattle to Redmond in heavy rush hour traffic to try to get my package before the UPS depot closed, as I've never had one stolen from my front door step.

@tonyola: Those tires are way cooler.

I've had a lot of success with the Asian father test. Basically, if there's something you want to buy... do you really want it? Do you really want to buy it? Think of all the other things you could buy for that money.