The Yellow Peril

Sprites are easy mode.

I don't want to watch this, I want Lost to forever live in my mind as it did at the end of Season 1: vaguely mysterious, yet acceptably realistic. Jack remains the altruistic hero with his troubled love-interest Kate, and none of the ridiculous complications from the five seasons that followed (okay, I only watched

I'd be concerned about the pulp clogging my drains eventually.

@Aristarchus: I love that you think it's possible for someone to create "original" work.

"All areas of the mall will be accessible by car." Yah but it's not like you're just going to drive around the mall looking for the car you want. I think it's more so that you can get the car you want from the showroom to the track, otherwise you'd have a ton of traffic and major parking issues.

@kitsuneconundrum: @zoompooky: It's unlikely that you'll see ray tracing for real reflections any time soon, considering that it takes 3 PS3s working simultaneously to provide it for a single car:

@Brodka: regrettably: Because every Forza game has been released in the time span between Gran Turismo 4 and 5?

@Koztah: Not for five dollars, no.

@HammerheadFistpunch: Yes. The Audi film is pretty bad. Unconvincing acting, and corny dialogue.

@Elhigh: Why must every exhaust video on YouTube include the creator pressing Record, walking to the car, getting in, and turning it on? Editing that part out doesn't require Avid or even FinalCut Pro, I think every OS comes bundled with basic video editing software.

@Destati: PPC-based Macs are extremely dated now. Steam should be the last concern of anyone still using one.

This is too bad, I love seeing unreleased content leaks. Data mining was one of my favorite things about WoW.

My M3 has scaffolding in the back, but it's about 200 HP short of this =(

Everything I know about the British, I learned from Top Gear.

The creators of this must have played a different Fallout than I. There's a distinct lack of killing-everything-and-stripping-the-corpses-for-loot.

Ubuntu has come a long way in terms of having a polished UI, but it still has some to go. This is a step in the right direction.

Shrug. I like this sort of thing. Nostalgia, or some shit.

My dream is to be a 3D modeler for Blizzard.