The Yellow Peril

Pro-tip: Bring some actual information to the table. "It doesn't work" is useless, even if said politely. Tier 1 support is there to address common issues, and gather information. If your problem isn't common, they probably can't help you. The quickest way to get someone who can help you is to provide the person

Blink meets Chat Roulette. Penis login now available.

The real solution: get new friends.

'The executive referred to owners as "Jackasses" and "Parkinsons-ridden testicles with arms."'

Wait. His favorite singer is Michael Jackson?

Outlook is the most important part of the suite to me, because Entourage isn't cutting it for us. That screen doesn't impress, however. It looks like a watered down Entourage, if that's possible.

Someone should go throw a roundel on there.

@Pessimippopotamus: Yah, I'd assume that someone would see the billboard and nondescript German luxury vehicles in the window and stop in thinking it was a BMW dealership...

With their current selection? No. It sucks, they have old movies that no one cares about and only 5 episodes of the newer TV shows.

Dear Ferrari,

The way I interpret these IP battles is this: the owner wants to make a game, but they're afraid it will suck so much dick, that the only way they'll be successful is if they're the only ones to make a game about it.

Not being able to buy porn before I was 18 TOTALLY stopped me from accessing it.

I honestly don't think the number 14, or the number 88 have a strong enough connection to be considered racist.

I'll give her credit for the ability to write properly, but she loses points for choosing to be with this guy in the first place.

I don't know, it seems like the license plate is a pretty obscure reference. I assumed it was standard format for Virginia until I read the caption. It's not like he's using "WHT PWR".

@nutbastard: Buy a 1994 Honda Accord, do the brakes yourself, spend about $100.