The Wanderer

In all honesty, why does Michael Bay keep having humans in these movies? Why can’t he just give me a CGI fest war for Cybertron prequel? These plots are never good, just give me a simple war movie.

This makes less sense that Independence Day 2... and that’s saying something.


Perhaps today IS a good day to die!

I need a Defiant one in my life.

Completely. Osmotic, though, so I don’t know until later.

I tend lately to imagine that “pure” AI will less interesting than human-hybrid augmented intelligence. I suspect our concept of AI will one day seem comically culture-bound!

Mr. Gibson, longtime fan since reading your early stories in Omni.

I’m pretty sure that you could mod these to be USB drives relatively easily.

I found the title accurate as it’s strange (and wonderful) to me. It was a pleasant read and I learned something new. Why so glum, chum?

Maybe they just have to look around harder for that Missingno.

Unacceptable. Team Instinct can not hold Area 51. Can we get some Valor trainers up there please!

This isn’t all that paranoid. I made fun of an ex when she did this, but as soon as the PRISM story broke, anybody who cares about infosec covered up their cameras. He’s a perfect target for hackers and spear phishers.

Damn. Seemed to be a nice kid.
Rest in peace, dude.

What a god damn shame.

Well, looks like I’m done with consoles once my Xbone shits out. No way I’m shelling out for a console every few years for incremental improvements. I can buy a PC if I want that.

Why can’t we put someone like this in jail for a few weeks. Odds are the person can’t pay to fix it either.

If only we had more awareness about guns in America

Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.

This particular case seems to be China’s fault. Nothing like using a “powerful antibiotic of last resort” to mass-medicate livestock!