Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.
Does it really matter? Credible or not I think it helps to publicize this sort of stuff — both to expose this ugliness and to push sites like Twitter to improve their harassment policies.
I’m starting to wonder if I should feel ashamed for helping to kickstart this...
“Game with hot chicks inspires porn.”
This just in: Bran is a giant dick through time and space.
Spider-Man would be excellent at CinemaSins.
“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all!”
Welp. Thankfully vibranium doesn’t exist, because combined with this I’d throw my vibranium shield at pretty much everything.
You’re the only one that has actually been reporting on this stuff which is shocking. though I also feel like if we don’t have a discussion about this now, then this will be forgotten in a day and it will happen again. We also should not forget about the others before this either. I am still disappointed in this…
I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.
Technically, no. Originally there was a prime timeline, one unaltered by time travel. The attractor fields (groups of potential timelines) we call “Beta” and “Alpha” didn’t actually exist until the moment Okabe sent the first D-Mail and discovered time travel and SERN logged a record of it (Alpha)—or, alternately,…
Yeah, this seems like a challenging gig. And to do it for two decades, damn.
I would prefer to have a script with actual vocabulary than to say the same word with different nuances.
I heard this handheld was dying, but it seems Sony has finally come up with a patch that literally kills them.
You know, web browsers have bounties on bugs and glitches if they can be identified and reported to the developer. Nintendo should be paying (or at least thanking) people like Anonymous Joe, not shutting down specific videos that show the glitches in action.
I had always hoped Nintendo would retroactively add Missingno. as an official Pokémon. Using the same technology that created Porygon, Missingno. could accidentally be made real, and have a whole glitch-themed area devoted to him. It would be an awesome way to make it official, and to "break the rules" as far as the…
When I was little and first discovered Missingo, I always wished that the "glitch Pokemon" would be introduced into actual Pokemon canon as some sort of reality-warping bringers of Armageddon.