My arm! Let go of my arm with your ass!

I found that on Amazon Prime you can select UK English. It’s wonderful. There’s a chipper old Irish guy doing color that I’m not sure has a clue what the rules of the game are. He and the Brit play by play guy didn’t know what do say during the run and the replays were full of “chust ghet out of me way.” and the like.

No. Because I interacted with an NFL marketing department once regarding something for my son and I worked with three people, all of whom were interns.

Already the greatest Laker. Fight me.

I fully own the boo.

They really tried to figure out who did it, interviewed tons of people. They even spoke with the dogs’ breeder and main suspect, Ernest Mal. They never got anything from him though, because Mal’s a mute.

You can, and in fact are supposed to. That is what separates you from the criminals.

I was reffering to the cop cars.


America first!  *vomits*

There is no moral standing on gerrymandering. You can’t argue for it in any way shape or form.

The press understands that, in the spirit of climate change and Nazism, if there is one side who is trying to preserve the democratic process and another one who is trying to completely destroy it, then it’s important that both sides are treated fairly.

I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention in the last five years, but the US Government sold the rest of its GM stock in 2013. Of the $50B it invested, the government lost $12B.

Sooo, they’re mad that they closed a bunch of plants that were making cars that people weren’t buying. To retaliate, they’re going to take away an economic incentive people use to buy some of the cars GM is still making, which will most likely reduce demand for those cars, which would absolutely force GM to lay-off

This may make me sound like a terrible person, but this is why I don’t give money to people who walk up to cars in the middle of the road or even when I see someone sitting on the street. You don’t know if that person has a weapon. It’s extremely dangerous to pull out money like that to someone you don’t know. For

100% sure that these were taken from some Women’s magazine about “How to find the right man to go down on you.”

- Have DeSean Waston back at QB

The video cuts off at this point. It’s unclear what prompted Dick to leave the message seemingly unfinished.

Can’t speak to Hyundai or Kia as whole but Genesis cars alone have very good initial quaility and high reliability. They are rated pretty high by Consumer reports and others.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?