It means “Our Lady”
It means “Our Lady”
You know, Trump won Ohio.
I realize the seriousness of the subject, but your response gave me pause to smile.
Trump buddy.
These are very unattractive people that trump surrounds himself with. Does the porn star have a position in the cabinet yet?
Well, her only qualification is that she’s blonde and has a “grab-able” pussy.Every one of the Trump women look like that skanky pornstar he splooged on.
He’s a republican because… penis.
Franked should not have resigned.
Another shithead who should be punched like a time clock.
Is she still having sex with her father?
FUD article.
Maybe it’s an outage from the pee tape®
I’m not trash, ever.I’m not Louie C.K. Harvey Weinstein, or any other male that exhibits untoward or boorish behavior. Shame on them all, and punish them when appropriate.
It’s too soon… btw- they knew what they were signing up for.
Yep. It’s the amendment that says., I have fat fingers.
Dear Roger Godell and trump the cabbage:
Megan Kelly is a witch and should;d b burned at the stake.
These are the names of cowards. This is a hit list of people who must lose their job. But, more important, these assholes sold their souls for pennies. Pennies.
Cameron is wearing his ass hat.
This is a hugely racist article. And you complain about white supremacists?