Screw her.
Screw her.
They’re not bright enough to boycott anything. Like, who among them shops at nordstrom’s? What are they gonna do? Boycott the one tv network they watch? Fuck them.
It’s easy. Mr. Blow is erudite, well read and an excellent writer. Kayleigh is a peroxide covered shithead who tirelessly babbles about bullshit to distract what these people are up to. Drump poops these people out like turds because they’re all the same damn thing; step ford wives with would malodorous nonsense…
Charles Blow is a very erudite writer who isn’t afraid to speak truth to power.
Okay, bill Maher had the douchy one on one time. If he has him again, then Bill can go fuck himself.
Every time Drump opens his mouth, a shit storm of unparalleled proportions emits from said orifice.
The new Attorney General, Colonel Suanders, has already said that Flynn is one of them and he’s not interested in prosecuting him.
Drump won Ohio. Correlation? Discuss.
You wouldn’t know journalism if it bit you in the ass. Go back to your hole and enjoy a butt plunge from your president.
Fuck you.
Football’s over. Baseball is here.
Before I entered the professional world, I worked for union shops, some representing thousands of workers. The instances of what you describe are on a par with the lazy managers who took Friday off to play golf, had excessive lunches and came to work drunk or high. In other words, not very many. Quit letting the…
Predominantly no. The nonsense you hear about dues and privilege is anecdotal at best and propaganda from the republicans at worst. Unions built America. That’s why we have a middle class here.
Fuck you and your stance against unions. Unions built america. The con job republicans moved the fucking jobs to avoid paying a living wage. Every other thing is a smokescreen.
No wonder Musk is hanging around with Drump. Hey, elon, without unions no one will be able to afford your fancy pants car.
Maybe a Ken doll after he has stepped in something icky.
The single funniest piece I have read in a long time. Thank you.
Not just fuck. That’s what these guys want. Vote. Register. Vote. Get a fucking ID. If that’s the new rule, beat them at their own game.
African Americans need to vote. Democrats need to vote.Register now, avoid the hassle. Vote.