The T-Factor

Dont forget his son, Lil Uzi ‘Nissan’ Vert

I heard it was Glock Colt.

What wasn’t mentioned is that Uzi Nissan isn’t his real birth name. He changed it. His real name is AK47 Datsun.

I’ve always been vaguely aware of this since the beginning... I’ve always thought that if it was me, I’d have just taken the dollars and moved on, before a lawsuit happened. If you go up against a multinational corporation, you kinda have to know that it’s going to take a toll on you, even if you “win”.

As an island with a fairly small population

Can you or David Tracy do a factory tour of this place? It would be fascinating to find out how they build these cars.

It’s damn high praise. That’s why, when my wife says to me ‘husband, your love-making tonight was satisfactory,’ I know I can lay my head down and get a good night’s sleep, secure in the knowledge it was a job well done.

Want. Want. Want.

Would definitely take one of these in the US. Hell they could probably find a decent market out on the islands around here.

Me too. I thought I confused it with another race.

I enjoy the Winter Games because we (US) don’t dominate. I was rooting for Vonn but marveling at the skiing. And it was awesome that the 26th starter could win the gold. I love this story.

Rose stopped him because he was going full Gonzo moron.

I think she’s the first person to compete in 2 different sports in the same olympics... now has a chance to get a medal in each. Impressive.

It’s true, if Ackbar was (is?) a fish girl then just scrap that scene. Scrap it!

Literally one dude that made that and so now it is a big deal. Ugh. Just because the internet gives douchebags a megaphone doesn’t mean we have to pay attention to them.

Just to nitpick, but Rialto (where this occurred) is a city in San Bernardino County. Not Los Angeles (city or county). Yeah yeah, I know it’s considered part of the greater Los Angeles area, but c’mon.

Dumbasses. The crash they were trying to go around though killed 5 people. So the freeway was locked. A big rig veered off and hit the center divider and caused a chain reaction.

I feel you on the optimism thing, though to a certain extent I think that’s true of any generation gap (a Vietnam protester growing old in the age of Trump, for example — it ebbs and flows). If the story’s going to move forward there has to be conflict, or there’s no story— I don’t find that it renders the past story

Ahh, broad brush-strokes, I knew we hadn’t seen the last of you!

Alright, how about this then. Rey’s a freaking bad character and would be a bad character even if she was male. Her personality is bland, her backstory is essentially nonexistent, and she goes from nobody to complete bad-ass in essentially zero time with

I guess the moral of this is that if you criticize any plot point involving a woman, you are sexist. I learn something new everyday.