Since he’s a Red Sox fan, if you were indeed colored, he’d probably beat you up for that too.
Since he’s a Red Sox fan, if you were indeed colored, he’d probably beat you up for that too.
Why doesn’t Jesus eat M&Ms?
What are you talking about? They had a whole article on that. Why would they include it here when Molina is complaining about Jones?
You’re right. A man crying, tipping his hat, and giving a thumbs up is the very definition of “animosity”.
It must suck being Adam Jones.
It’s the Cardinal way.
Wow Molina is being nothing but an idiot baby. “We celebrated early like jack asses and Adam Jones called us on that infront of everyone. Fuck him” ya okay. USA could have roasted them way worse but instead went with a very polite “ya that celebrating before the game even started shit motivated us”. Molina is being a…
Choose statehood and you’ll get that vote. Instead, you’ve played petty politics and remained a territory all this time. You don’t get a vote and still get to do your own thing. Lol read a fucking book on how government works idiot.
So, the story makes the Americans look like the fun hating, “foolish” ones. As if the American team is supposed to apologize for winning? As if Adam Jones should feel bad for being back at camp w/ the team who actually pays him?
An Irsay disappearing? Smart money says hello to your new San Antonio Colts
If you’re not from Brazil, it’s hard to understand the magnitude of this tragedy.
Such a ridiculous double standard when it comes to catching your spouse masturbating. The few times I’ve caught my wife or found out about it later I’m like “Hey now, that’s hot...want some company?” But whenever she catches me it’s all “Gross! What’s wrong with you? At least wait until the funeral is over!”
The only thing worse than them using the suites would be if they DIDN’T use them. Nothing bugs me more when I’m at a game and I see a super expensive suite that’s basically empty. Meanwhile, I’m crammed in next to a sweaty fat guy (or a mirror, I’m not sure) in tiny seats, surrounded by idiots yelling the most asinine…
No, they(the Ravens) had it right in that playoff game, and the refs F’d it up. It was a blown call, so try knowing what you’re talking about before accusing a team of bitching
By extension, the team kneeling down to run out the clock and end the game would be on defense, even though they have the ball, can move the ball, and maintain possession of the ball...which is the basic definition of “being on offense.”
I love how careful your wording is.
This seems to be commonly misunderstood. The Ravens/Harbaugh’s gripe was with the refs not making it clear who was/was not eligible in a reasonable amount of time, not necessarily the Pats or their formations.
No, you insufferable fucking shitbag, they weren’t “bitching” about “rule exploitation”, they had a legitimate complaint about a team - who in any other sports league around the world would have rightfully been stripped of their illegitimate titles and seen their undeserved championship banners torn down - known for…
Geez. We make fun of Trump for his thin skin but maybe we should, like, never do that again if a single joke at Democrats’ expense is going to generate 20 think pieces. Has the petition to have Jost fired and his fields sowed with salt been posted?
Jost was not ribbing his viewers with the idea that Hillary Clinton lost because Democrats focus too much on the intricacies of identity—which would have been fine, we can laugh at ourselves