
Then stop letting your 4-year old watch the news and play a game with him, or have him go play outside, or do ANYTHING BUT WATCH THE NEWS...

“He replied, “No! I am not listening to him! Donald Trump says dangerous things and he hurts people! I am not listening to anything he says. The D was supposed to win. I am so mad at this”

Better than the Falcons and their brief slogan “Weak Dogs Get Drowned”.

The Rams look like a 7-9 team.

When asked what he’s going to do now that he’s got a 100 million dollar contract, Antetokounpo said he’d carry on the fine Greek tradition of spending all 300 million of it.

Calling this team a “sleeper” was certainly one way of inviting Jameis Winston to fuck it.

Meanwhile Canadian college teams have begun a bidding war over mysterious newcomer Les Kilometers.

I don’t like Donald Trump. In fact, I might actually hate him. And this guys seems like a douche, and I sure hope the Mets beat the Cubs in the NLDS. But I am not sure it follows that someone who tried to get a different Republican elected cannot now support the Republican nominee without being labeled a hypocrite.

“How soon until a computer is coaching in the NFL?”

Look, if you’re going to incorporate Knight into the name, then there’s only one choice here...

Slightly off topic???

Is this what they mean when they say that on field chemistry is so important in the NFL?