
wouldn’t say faking, but timing is everything...why decide to donate now, as opposed to when you first began to protest?

Holy fuck, are you kidding? Exposed to a dialogue about racism???? Talking about this shit has become Merica’s pass time. I’d love to know how many articles have been written about racism in the past 5 years alone. I bet if charted it’d look like a hockey stick.

Is there a cliff notes version of this...soooooooooooo long. While i’m very interested in the headline, my attention span is set at 4.2 seconds.

The ol’ Brown Eye when eaten on a ford.

wait...after reading buffalo, i definitely want to go to a Bills game. Not for the game itself, but the people watching, which includes the Ryan Bros. Its now on my bucket list, because where else can you see Rob pounding 5 dozen chicken wings on the sidelines, a random guy do a belly flop on a burning table, doggy

So many responses instructing other people to join a union...quick question, is anyone here actually a member of a union? And of the 3k that a worker would potentially earn had unions not become shells of what they once were, how much of that would be allocated to dues?

wasn’t knucklehead branded a racist word, and Its a mugshot. Should a highscool graduation photo, family portrait, vacation picture, or wedding photo be displayed instead?

So, the veteran in me wants to skull stomp him. But that same veteran in me applauds him for having the courage to exercise his right to protest. I’m so confused. Unfortunately, Kaepernick is about the shittiest vessel for this type of protest. He’ll likely be playing second fiddle to blaine gabbert, holy shit; and

Have you ever seen a UFO, and if so, what do you imagine it looks like inside? I’d like to think its this bad ass pad with little grey dudes smoking up their alien weed, floating around with a disco laser ball, knowing full well they are freaking everyone on earth out while they’re just hovering there.

Why won’t ashley grow a unibrow? She’d be a much more serious journalist if she did

Hands down the best part of that photo is what looks to be a belly tatto that says “pussy”

The question i’ve got is how do you deliver the 2.5 million without it going unnoticed by [MLB player’s] teammates and by MLB in general. It’s not like you bet a couple of bucks in a friendly wager or something, thats some serious scratch. Also, how does [MLB Player] enforce collection if [MLB Star] decides to be a

Pretty much spot on I’d say. Bet he was in Lamda Lamda Lamda.

Slightly off topic???

He’s kind of Andy Dalton-esque. Seems as athletic at least.

I just assumed you used speechnotes or some other speech to text software. It would be way to costly for deadspin to replace a keyboard after every letter typed.

I read these for the lighthearted pissing and groaning, but holy shit; someone literally said being a lions fan is worse than their dad beating the fuck out of them as a kid. In response, I’m starting a crowdfunding campaign named Lion’s Relief, a non profit devoted to the research and development of a drug meant to,

I hope William Hayes decides to write or take over for Art Bell post NFL. It’d be the best blog ever; lengthy discussions on flat earth theory, fake ass dinosaurs, mermaids, ancient aliens, and whether or not the egg came first. I’d be particularly interested in knowing if a sound is made when a tree falls in the

I got booted off my high school track team 3 times. I also ran the 200 with the slowest recorded time in school history. Hall of fame credentials right there.

I imagine craft brewers who name their unholy creations things like “Devil’s balls” or “Chode Spear” are like my grandmother at christmas. I’m positive she gives my wife and I gifts that she secretly laughs her ass off at, while we still show love and affection for a snoopy tube top or expired tooth paste. These guys