The Smegmatrix

> right now, in 2017, what separates the USA from other countries?

It’s also worth noting that a lot of the people advertised as speaking at the planned “Free speech weekend” either declined the invitation or were never contacted by the organisers. It’s pretty clear this whole thing was a scam/stunt from the get-go.

“The level of intellect this writer have.”
“The brand of Milo.”
“No matter how you cry about it.”

I think the problem is that, in each one of these articles, they talk about CK and the masturbation rumors as if there are actual claims from people that he’s done that. There aren’t, though. There are allegations that a certain male comedian makes female comedians watch him masturbate, but they’ve never pointed at

The A.V. Club

As cool as the other side of the pillow case I wear over my head to the Klan rally.

Van Halen, in any form, is the sun bleached soundtrack to trying to figure out why your See-Doo won’t start in a three Bud Light Limearita haze.

Most of his donors are disappointed.

Well, my days of thinking that Old Fat Joffrey’s voters are all idiots are certainly coming to a middle.