
I just finished reading World War Z and that picture creeped me out.

This is truly a hilarious/ AWESOME story!!

@bmoredlj: You good sir have just made a friend.

The Taurus for sure, there is no question about it.

"The new electric vehicle will have a range of up to 100 miles on a single charge, without using a single drop of gasoline."

Holy crap that thing is just plain SEXY!!

Those wheels are awefully small, or is the car just awefully big?

This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!


So Jalopnik now has its on YOUTUBE page?

This is clearly a marketing scheme by Chevy promoting the Traverse.

Ahhhh this WAS definately worth it. Too bad im not on my comp, but these pics definately are woozers.

@Ben Wojdyla: If I got a personal reply from you then it definately must be worth it.

I'm not falling for this one again!!