@JCWhitless - This post you are now reading is in the voice ...: Have you read World War Z?
@JCWhitless - This post you are now reading is in the voice ...: Have you read World War Z?
I just finished reading World War Z and that picture creeped me out.
This is truly a hilarious/ AWESOME story!!
@bmoredlj: You good sir have just made a friend.
The Taurus for sure, there is no question about it.
"The new electric vehicle will have a range of up to 100 miles on a single charge, without using a single drop of gasoline."
Holy crap that thing is just plain SEXY!!
@SuperCatBarf: Me too.
Those wheels are awefully small, or is the car just awefully big?
This is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!
So Jalopnik now has its on YOUTUBE page?
@FormerlyPreferredCustomer: hahaha that was hilarious!!!
@mehugtree: This made me lol
@Paul Y. can't think of a better, shorter handle: They STILL do it no matter what.
This is clearly a marketing scheme by Chevy promoting the Traverse.
Ahhhh this WAS definately worth it. Too bad im not on my comp, but these pics definately are woozers.
@Ben Wojdyla: If I got a personal reply from you then it definately must be worth it.
I'm not falling for this one again!!