@Schm-san, bowling for bailouts!: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
@Schm-san, bowling for bailouts!: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
@Zandr: It would have been nice to get a link or at least post the video of it.
Dont Rolls Royce's(?) have keyless entry things like the ones you find on Fords?
@jbownsabmw but still wants GM to survive: Well she has had some umm very "revealing" pics that she sent to one of the Jonas Brothers(google them) and she is currently dating a 20 year old.
@Dr.cuteasabutton.who:YOu know what?
I dont get it.
@FuzzyPlushroom: Ugh this sucks!!!
@LJSearles: Now why didn't they include those on the 2010 Ford Fusion?!
@Captain Slow and his Flying Washing Machine: It's already 1:00 AM.
@stevecmh:Uhhh It's a rendering after-all.....
@flyingstitch: HEE HEE.
@elwood: I dont think that they will need the loan.
@The-Simpsons-Rule!!: OH yea, those doors are totally badass and I would really like to see them in some future cars that I would be able to afford.
It's a shame that they will drown it down in the production Volvo. Just like the XC60(and NO! I'm not letting that go anytime soon *Shakes Fist @ Volvo*)
@acarr260: What we have been waiting for is (of course) the answer and some pics of his former bullies all pissed off at him for having such a(n)"interesting" job, and the former cheerleaders who missed the opportunity of getting busy with the Wert.
I hate that stupid tree!!!
@improperdancing: The Fear.
@The-Simpsons-Rule!!: AHHH That totally sucks, it's not working.