Maybe liberals should start voting?
Maybe liberals should start voting?
The last time the Democrats had sustainable, meaningful power, it was through a coalition of workers unions, community activists, minorities, blue collar laborers, farmers, intellectuals, and urban political machines. That fell apart once RFK was assassinated. Since then, the democrats have just assumed that these…
I humbly submit these slogans for various Democratic candidates in the upcoming 2018 elections. To be approved or mocked by the unwashed masses of Kinjaland.
You can’t defeat crazy with catchy buzzwords dammit.
Pretty much this. It’s the old canard of “we know what’s best for you,” but pretty fucking overt.
And remember every time some so-called liberal brings up how awful Sanders was and how his supporters just don’t get it... THIS is what Clinton supports, has always supported and was instrumental in creating back in the late 80s.
Not better, but more money.
You just said a whole lot of nothing. We’re talking about whitewashing in American movies, not the apparent horror that non-white places like India have the nerve to actually cast Indians in their movies.
I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be “the Union as it was.” If there be those who would not save the Union, unless they could at the same time save slavery, I do not agree with them. If there be…
I love a good data visualization and I really love a good dick-hammer turn of phrase. Bravo to you.
This is an amazing graph. I wish I could tattoo it on my middle finger.
can you provide the source of your graph? I like to read that study
It seems to be the same as not calling his alternate-reality fantasies out-right lies.
So, is “complicated” the new “problematic”? You know, like when you want to say something is “fucking morally repugnant”, but you’re too goddamn wishy-washy to be direct. Mainly due the fact that you don’t want to hurt the “fucking morally repugnant shitstain’s” feelings. Because, hey, who wants to be known as…
I’m going to need you to source this statement: Last time I went looking for numbers it was 6% of captured terrorists.
Thank you for admitting you wouldn’t attempt to mitigate the violent history of Christianity simply because your ideological opponents detest it.
Would you argue that Christianity wasn’t traditionally spread at the tip of a sword? That it didn’t encourage lies to serve its own ends?
I think Muhammed’s conquering of Mecca is a bit more complicated that “He did it with a sword.” And as you mentioned, residents of Mediana welcomed him with open arms. So as I said, it was not always “traditionally… spread by the sword” as you claimed.
In the early days of Islam, it was not spread by the sword. Muhammed and his immediate followers were quite diplomatic and tolerant at times. Not 100% of the time, but enough so that your statement: “The reality is both religions, being very closely related, have traditionally been spread by the sword” is an unfair…
Don’t defend his Islamophobia. Muslims are already vilified enough.