Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

I have no doubt the the court will uphold the ban when they hear the case. Gorsuch owes Donnie for his gig and who knows what else. Thomas is just a waste of a robe and who knows what Kennedy will do. I used to have faith in the impartiality of the court but it is stained with partisanship as the country leans toward

Have you been overseas since Trump was elected? Its not great.

The Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case in October.

Yet another example of how there would be “basically no difference” whether Hillary or Trump won, because they were “essentially the same.”

Xenophobia. The ban wouldn’t have stopped a single attack and there is literally no reason to have it. If they were interested in “figuring it out” they had plenty of time to do so. The ban is the justification for the ban and now the entire country looks like a bunch of fucking hillbilly assholes. Shameful time to be

Wasn’t the whole point of the ban to give the government time to ‘figure out what was going on.’ Since presumably nothing prevented them from ‘figuring stuff out’ during the last several months, what is the reason for continuing the ban now?

Thank Jeebus. There have been SO MANY TERROR attacks in the past 6 months that this would have prevented. I mean, its totally worth all the tourism dollars we’re losing… Eroding our global perception and treatment of American tourists overseas.

Well, she does have a “bona fide” relationship with an American citizen: her son.

Apparently not affected...

They should either just post this or have the robot say these words:

They used a subcontractor to get the skin color just right.

Hello! Welcome to the Hall of Presidents. We have some of the most tremendous Presidents. Like Reagan, Wilson and Fredrick Douglass. I received more votes than all of them. Combined. Look at my map. I colored it myself, stayed in the lines too! Obama can’t color in the lines. Did you know that these aren’t even real

The last time I went to the Hall of Presidents a couple of years ago the last few minutes of the “show” was Obama, center stage, giving a speech. So they have to remove that bit, and re-work it with Trump, while he hasn’t scheduled the time to record his bit for posterity. Disney basically should say “Here’s our

NBD. Not that many people speak Russian.

Disney’s animatronic Trump will appear more lifelike.

I hope they dress robo-trump up just like the title image so he looks like the jackass he is when grouped with the other presidents. Maybe a live stream of his tweets from the robot, or just gibberish—same thing really.

“Once you’re President, you can do whatever you want. Grab ‘em by the pussy. Taft knows what I’m talking about.”

Lane splitting is illegal in my state, which makes me happy. You wait in line like the rest of us. I still see some ride in the shoulder during traffic jams, which is still very unsafe.

I can’t wait to see the asshole’s mugshot. Good work CHP. It’s jerks like this that make it tougher on all the other riders trying to be safe out there.

50 bucks says the Trump kid picks his nose....