Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

No. I said: “Is that a thought that legitimately went through your mind? Because that’s pretty pathetic.”

Do you know what an argument is? Because that was not an argument. It was an observation about the fact that you sound pathetic.

If Wisconsin wants to do it, who cares? Let them.

Thanks for swinging by and giving us the racist hick take on all this. We all appreciate your point of view.

Sold our country for a few rubles. Seems like a killer deal to me.

Businesses that are fronts for organized crime aren’t supposed to be successful. That’s not really their purpose.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure Trump’s various failures in business can be chalked up to more than just that.

You’re a typo.

I am impressed by the girl who caught the fly ball and chugged her beer.

Not only are you basing your entire self-concept on the findings of single study, you audaciously use it as irrefutable proof of your presumed intellectual superiority.

lol Couldn’t understand any of that that, could you? I do a lot of research for a living. I spend time on the Kinja because I get bored at work. That’s why my comments come between 9-5. I’m wasting time between meetings.

I don’t need to do more than that. The shit you’re pushing is plenty insulting. You believe dumb crap and you’re a fucking moron. I just play up all the other stuff to getcha going.

lol I’m the one obsessed with shitty pictures? Man, you guys’ projections get more and more telling by the day.

lol I didn’t say that aloud. Do you know how the internet works?

Aw. It thinks its people. How adorable. Like I give two shits about what you think fool. Look at the shit you’re spending time doing. What a fucking clown.

Ain’t bad. I don’t fall for dumb bullshit because I’m a gullible half-wit hillbilly who’s brain doesn’t process information correctly. Which is kinda nice.

lol what’s it like being a stupid piece of shit? is it hard to get your pants on straight every morning?

Then what kind of mind altering drugs are you on because that was some far out shit man.

lol Don’t smoke all the weed right now dude. Save some for later.

Airtight rebuttal there Sven. I tremble before the might of your intellect.