Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

I think they’d all be surprised how much a Christian theocracy resembles a Muslim one.

Just World Bullshit. You have a flawed view of the world and it makes you a bad person.

Excellent point Chad. I’ll inform that poster to avoid your trigger points in the future. We all know how emotional you conservative types get.

Hm… I didn’t realize the current ballpark was a new one. Good to know!

lol that’s awesome.

How am I not surprised that Belle and Dibble are the first two players featured here?

you owe me a nickel motherfucker.

yep. they do a good job explaining a lot of those types of things.

Nope. Conservatives are much more likely to have a mental imbalance. Or at least a bias when processing environmental stimuli.


Fuck that troll.

No one gives a shit about what you think Chad.

because some dumb ass motherfucker apparently forgot to rinse AND repeat.

A lot of that has to do with a belief in the Just World Fallacy. When faced with injustice, we blame the victim so we feel better.

I spend a lot of time in consumer research. Can confirm.

lol yeah that poster was really locked into making a bunch of great points there. super worthwhile debate that i just wrecked by treating him like a troll.

Cool story. Have fun drowning in the Kool Aid there Chad.

I think the most obvious answer is to press our… “allies”… into doing more. Syria is surrounded by Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Iraq… All countries that are either our military allies or at least our operational allies. Plus, add SA into the mix and I just wonder why is America acting unilaterally in this? Why is this our

Well its either that or a ground war and regime change. Which hasn’t worked out too well for us recently.

You’re right that we don’t know exactly how consequential this particular strike will be, but we know the base was heavily used, so either the regime incurs the cost of shifting its operations elsewhere, or launches fewer attacks overall, thus “diminishes.”