Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

… this needed to be done.

Clinton is not an elected official. No one gives a fuck.

We never really gave a shit about those children though.

I have no idea what the best move is, for the US or for humanity.

Yeah but neither do we. We can pretend to care, but we clearly don’t.

You know what’s a terrible idea in a humanitarian crisis?

Totally not in bed with Putin guys!

Considering our interest in removing Assad is humanitarian…

Can’t prove it though huh? Do you even understand it? Must be frustrating.

lol sure thing Chad. But that’s not what I did. Are you projecting? Or do you wanna prove that the data I just offered up is manipulated?

Typical liberal, blind to the deceitful deeds of their Lord Obama.

Listen. He doesn’t come down to where you work and slap the dick out of your mouth. So if he wants to travel to the desert and play dress up, leave him the fuck alone. Running the free world takes a lot of work, he needs some hobbies.

But according to the records, there were no such illegal activity being discussed. Hence, her requests were illegal.

lol you seem confused. Allow me to clear this up for you.

Hot take there Chad. Thanks for stopping by and normalizing for corruption. We all needed a reminder that a woman who isn’t currently serving as an elected official justifies actions like these.

We don’t hold WaPo and NYT to that standard, nor should we.

lol yeah basically any politician would have coined the term “alternate facts.”

“Boy, we sure see racism everywhere these days” is code for “I wish all these brown people and faggots would shut up about wanting fair and equal treatment.”

lol whatever you say Buttercup.