Honey, I Shit the Hot Tub

poor people pay proportionately too much of their income, the middle class pays proportionately too much of their income, and the most wealthy of Americans don’t pay proportionately enough while having many more opportunities for exemptions, breaks and opportunities to lower their taxes.

3 paths? haha. wow. you really like making assumptions. i think i’m all good here, have a nice day.

This. Finally some sense. People don’t seem to get that pumping more money into a government that just continues to grow isn’t helping anybody.

no, you’re right. there are not laws against it. which is why i’m very involved in doing just that. i also try to vote for politicians who mirror my beliefs as the two approaches are not mutually exclusive. and i’m also an adult and i can handle more than one thought at a time.

There are enough poor people that are poor by their own volition

that’s a huge assumption to make. the rich would still have more opportunities for tax breaks than the poor, so i don’t think you can say that definitively. it would maybe reduce abuse, but not eliminate enough that it would no longer be an issue.

yes there are lots of examples of rich people who pay literally nothing in taxes despite the fact that they control 99% of the wealth in this country. i appreciate the help but i think i have a handle on this kthanxbye.

yeah i’m sure that single mom who’s autistic kid’s medical bills are piling up just needs a little short-term help.

Yeah, and its not like it costs the government more to help poor people. They’ll be just fine cause they’ve always been poor so who even really cares?

And you don’t think that’s a little tone deaf? Sure HE did it, but can everyone turn down better money? If you have substantial student loan payments, kids, medical bills… You can’t do that. Coppolella worked hard, but he also had a bevy of opportunities. Opportunities that not a lot of people are fortunate enough to

Its been working really well recently. They eventually ask why I keep calling them Chad or say; “Dude, my name’s not Chad!” And then I say something dickish like; “No, your name is definitely Chad.” It drives them nuts.

Sure, if they had said “Look for entry level positions.” But they didn’t. They responded to a recent college grad and told him to “Look for internships.”

Is entitlement and laziness now admired?

Chad, if you want the people working for you to perform better, then treat them like people.

Five minutes? I think you mean two.

Its because we’re dumb. And we have a national attention span tha… HOLY SHIT IS THAT A BIRD!?!?!

I’ve lived in lots of places. NYC is the most fun by far. The food is what really gets you. Its undeniably better than any other city in this hemisphere.

5 minute walk back in the gardens. Just past Skillman on 46th.

Trump and Pence.

That’s cool. We pee down there because we can’t spare a second trying to find an actual restroom. Too much fun shit to do.