
She drinks with her right hand in that video, which is what most right handed people do. The sleeve cuff also doesn’t look quite the same in the photo and the video. It’s possible it’s a funny angle and she switched hands, but I am not convinced someone didn’t take a still from that night and put an arm there to make

Thank you. Nobody ever defends my pastry. And you cinnamon roll peeps are sick in the head.

Access to unfettered cheesecake consumption’s guaranteed in the god damn constitution.

Yeah, this makes that stupid 13 hour hearing look like nothing.

The man clearly has no idea how to handle a hot dog and, therefore, no idea how to run this country.

Have you met us? We don’t deserve a whole lot.

I like that probable-alien Ted Cruz is eating aluminum foil.

I’m now googling pictures of presidential candidates eating. I would like everyone to note that Hillary is the only person with literally hundreds of pictures of her eating and also the only person who looks like she has any idea what to do while eating. I think she has my vote now.

I know people will say “Oh, Junior’s Cheesecake is overrated” to which I will say: fuck all you people that say that.

How do you feel about cheese danish?

Agreed. It’s a level of self control which I find reassuring in someone who may soon have access to nuclear launch codes

Cheesecake is a wondrous, beautiful thing. I shame thou.

And here we are folks, yet another reason why I could never be a politician or a public figure of any decent standing- my insane love of cake, my penchant for language most foul and of course the fact that I consider clothing way optional most of the time.

Damn it!

Im tired of being shamed about cheesecake. It's a cake made of cheese. It's deranged.

Even for us normals candid shots of yourself eating are rarely flattering. When my husband’s brother got married I am eating in EVERY unposed photo at the reception. My SIL kind of hated me at that point and I seriously wonder if she instructed the photographer to do this. So I feel for Hills.

Maybe when, someday, a woman is elected president, people will finally end this double standard and allow women to just be human beings who eat cheesecake and speak forcefully about important issues.

She’s got a will of iron, because I would have inhaled that thing.

That’s just heartbreaking. I would have eaten the shit out of that cheesecake.