
You’re right. Which makes this all the more baffling.

I think their answers to the abortion question showed this perfectly. Sanders is able to give an ideologically satisfying answer because he either isn’t aware or doesn’t worry about the very real legal framework that already exists. Clinton’s answer addressed the actual fact of the law and the real issue of making

Just like he is doing....right now, with this ridiculous bid for candidacy.

But really...they are mostly the same in policy. I am pretty firm in my conviction that Bernie is the “non-female” option for people who can’t stomach a chick in the WH.

I agree with this in a very real, palpable, serious way.

Sure, so isn’t that an argument for RESTRUCTURING the Import-Export Bank, not scrapping it entirely?

I would love to see sarcastic, slam-dunking Hillary take on Trump!! She would put him down so many times and he wouldn’t even realize it.

Okay, let’s talk about paint instead of this motherfucking election.

I agree! She would tear him to shreds without breaking a sweat.

I wish just one time she would turn to him and say 'So what you are saying, Bernie, is that everyone but you is a corrupt tool of Wall Street?"

Reasons to look forward to a Clinton vs. Trump race: Sarcastic Hillary is AMAZING HILLARY.

It’s funny, most of Bernie’s ideas are right in line with mine, but his style of governance and management is what keeps me from wanting him. His ideology is sound, but it’s also immovable and primary in his methods, which is not a good way to govern this country. The point Hillary just made about the 2007 immigration

i will watch Paint Dry

It sure is.


For fuck’s sake, I’m going to bed.

It happened.

It’s funny these people come out of the woodwork to denounce how we are always condemning people with no evidence (his expulsion somehow not being evidence) or that the evidence is not good enough but when someone is tried and convicted based on evidence they somehow have no interest and nothing to say. It's almost

This is the thing I don’t get. Why is no one denying it? Surely if it were not something related to sexual assault, Montague would want his name cleared, right? Anything else he could have been expelled for would be better than sexual assault.

Aaaaaand of course she’s from Jacksonville.