
:-( :-( Nelson Ellis seemed like a legitimately good dude, in the few interviews I had seen with him. Obviously he was an outrageously talented actor too (he was for a very long time the only watchable thing on True Blood, which I couldn’t watch past the 4th season or so). It sucks when people struggle with things

There isn’t any valid perspective that would excuse voting for Trump. Period.

To pull the lever for Trump, one of three things has to be true:

1) You are an overt racist and misogynist;

I’m sorry?

By virtue of voting for him, all Trump voters are, at the very least, definitely okay with racism. We need to hold those voters accountable for that.

They’re not all racists.

I understand that sexism, racism, xenophobia, incompetence, and corruption were not deal breakers for them, whether or not they personally carry those qualities themselves.

There are two types of people who voted for Trump: people who are racist, and people who do not care about racism (i.e., those who say they voted for him for other reasons discounting that), and honestly, the latter is just as disgusting as the former. There is no justification.

You can stick out your hand and get it slapped back so many times before you need to say “fuck it.” Those are supposedly functioning, thinking people. It’s well past the time they should see that they’re voting against their own interest in some cases. If they want to change course, the others will welcome them. But

I already know. They are mad because they’re working oh so hard and aren’t getting much of anything in this economy. In other words, they’re being treated the way PoC have always been treated and they don’t like it; but they expect u s to put up with it with a smile.

It’s easier to call them what they are, racists. If you voted for Trump, you’re a gormless, cousin-fucking racist shit gibbon. Own it, because the rest of us aren’t going to forget.

Trump supporters have been interviewed about why they were voting for him.

What is there worth trying to understand and engage with about people who, at best, have signaled they are okay with racism and bigotry?

America spends most of it’s time eating the ass of Trump voters and have for some time. Just look at our election cycle, it begins in Iowa and New Hampshire (the Iowa of the NE)... White flyover state voters have a higher median income than “liberal enclave voters” and nearly every cable channel is devoted to the

Yeah, who could’ve thought that a gazillion Republican candidates with experience couldn’t stop a bloated tomato Trumpy train?

Right up until they’re the ones getting the shaft, then they’ll wonder how this ever could have happened.

To be fair as well, i think posts like this one are important and need to be reiterated. Please keep on fighting hamno, you’re my only hope