Death Star

Greitens started out as a Democrat and became a Republican because he knew which way the winds were blowing for his political future - which is to say he’s probably a sociopath interested only in attaining power for himself... so he should President in 2024 or 2028.

Hate to tell you this Hamilton but, once the Scalia vacany is filled, the Friedrichs case is going to be reheard in the Supreme Court and is going to win, which will basically turn the whole country into WTR.

He deals with the goddamn press so the owners don’t have to!

You prefer we remember the UFC’s manufactured hype machine? I think remembering the truth is better than whatever you’re suggesting. It has been a relief to be an MMA fan who pulled their hair out trying to explain to everyone why Rousey is human and has a glaring weakness in her game while being laughed at by rubes

The West Virginia fan’s just delaying the inevitable. Sooner or later he’s going to have to get used to pissing with a Cane.

I had a stroke about three years ago, and I couldn’t talk for a while as my brain sorted what was left of itself out. I made noises a lot like Goldberg trying to say “Joanna Jędrzejczyk”.

This is the most heartbreaking of all. I saw George in concert twice, the first time in 1987 in Honolulu when I was ten years old. The Faith album still stands as one of the greatest pop albums ever made. I know every song, every word. I saw him again in 2008, just about twenty years later, in DC. I cannot express how

This is how trump got elected. Click bait and lies that nobody gets held accountable for. All because editors need to make those click numbers.

Jesus christ, every time FA shares something we get to hear you guys bitch about it. You’re not the only people who read this website. If you don’t want to read these kind of articles, don’t fucking click on them. It’s that simple.

He is stupid. Literally he is very very stupid. That is why.

“If we have them, why cant’ we use them?” Trump asked this multiple times, and now he’s in charge of them. Good fucking job deplorables.