The Other Mike

This guy gets it!


So we should write a metal song:

Both delicious when hot and gross when cold.

Interesting. I wonder if the unexpected success of <i>Red Headed Stranger</i> made it easier for Columbia to accept <i>Nebraska</i> from Bruce Springsteen a decade later.

Last time I was a the county fair, there was a family of five, in matching t-shirts that said "Eat lamb, Wear wool". They seemed very happy and a peace with themselves, their sheep, and the world. We should all have such serenity.

No love for Pieces of April?

Is it ok to burn one with someone who has Hepatitis?

Why is this framed as blaming the websites rather than blaming overreaching CPS workers that need reprimanded or stalkers that should be arrested?

I’m more bothered by the poor writing or editing: “But trolls do rampantly abuse DMCA takedown notices. Just last week, the platform settled a lawsuit against Christopher Brady, who allegedly filed multiple erroneous DMCA notices in order to extort vloggers who didn’t want their accounts taken down.”

r/ancientworldproblems is a lot funnier than these ones.

Dude, I know.  I called my mom Dude once and my wife didn't let me forget it for a decade or so.

Disgree. That is mostly about the male protagonist growing and learning something from her presence. This guy is still a douche at the end of the movie. He just has a sweet memory of her to bolster him through his future years of douchieness.

I’d say “The Aristocats” holds up the best out of any of these. “Airport” is still funny, and “Tora! Tora! Tora!” is a classic, but I was amazed at how bad and unfunny “M*A*S*H" was when I watched it a few years ago. People mostly remember the more likeable TV show, but that movie was rough watching.

What you wrote about learning it from their parents is true, but it would only take a small number (about 3-5%) of the white kids acting like this to make these black kids lives miserable. The real problem is the school officials not taking it seriously and putting a stop to it. I sincerely doubt that most white

I’m so sick of the news being Jews, Jews, Jews!

I've been waiting over 30 years for a presidential candidate to come on stage to "We Won't Get Fooled Again".  I'm still waiting. . .

Does anybody know where Sean is currently working?

Losing your job sucks for white-collar workers as much as it does for blue-collar factory workers or for the nurses in my town who unionized and then had the company choose to shut down the town’s hospital.

It is not racist to insist that two disenfranchised groups both deserve equal rights and then to yoke the two causes together. It is a difference of opinion on what is tactically achievable in the short term.