The Other Mike

Are there any good "folkies making punk rock" tracks?

Maybe you didn't see the version they play in Tehran . . .

Marrying Justinian can help your rep.

The Pretty Things?

If they ask nicely, I'll let them borrow mine. It's the 1984 model that you can set to play all kinds of complicated beats and arpeggios automatically. Classic!

No, he means the chick that used to be funny on "Stand up Spotlight".

Hey Nineteen, that's Aretha Franklin. You don't remember the Queen of Soul?

Tonight we ask the question:

Where's the one with the dog playing poker?

I really, really wish I could believe you . . .

In another Rust Belt city (at the Marc's in Mayfield Heights) it was discovered that a mere quarter was not enough to discourage theft of these valuable properties, so they built a wall of steel tubing so you cannot take your cart into the parking lot. It cannot get more than about three feet from the front of the

And the all-seeing, lidless eye of Sauron…

Too bad that the SNL examples left off one of the yummiest: Placenta Helper

Yeah when they wanted to refer to the actual president, they called him Billy Clampett.

I really think your "Reader Response" model is usually the only intellectually honest way to engage with a text. The alternative methods of critics claiming to know what meanings are already inherent in it always read like elaborate, but unsupported hypotheses.

Mmm, can I just get an ambiguous whitefish on Italian with extra olives?